The John Muir PTA serves as a common meeting point for parents, teachers, staff, and the principal. It organizes and sponsors many activities, such as May Fair, the Book Fair, Beach Day and IntraMuirals classes including athletics, cooking, theater, arts & crafts, creative writing, chess, and science. The PTA also raises money to be used on a variety of projects.

We are affiliated with the Berkeley PTA Council and the California State PTA, and a fully compliant 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

2024/25 PTA Exec Board

Position Lead(s)
Sam Olivieri
Josie de Janvry
Treasurer Jamie Ruth
Secretary Elizabeth Kneebone
Fundraising Orli Cotel
PTA Council Ana Tellez
Financial Secretary Jen Pierson
Auditor Fabrizio de Pasquale
English Learners Advisory
Committee President
Jocelyn Foreman
Room Parent Coordinator Trish Crawley
Janisha Sabnani
Volunteer Coordinator Andrew Ulmer
Communications Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud
Allison Landa
Technology Michael Wallman
Emergency Preparedness Safety Officer Sally Greenspan
Parliamentarian Rohini Haar
IntraMUIRal Program Arael Seher
Nicole Atilano
Green Team Sue Dykstra
Jesse Greenspan
Teacher Liaison Carrie Johnston
Family Engagement Lead Angelica Macedon